Harbor Master 19 Boat Plans (HM19)

[HM19] Small but able outboard cruiser based on a dory style hull.


SKU: HM19-plans Category:


The HM19 is the response to repeated requests for a cabin version of the successful OD18. The OD18 (Outboard Dory 18′) is not your regular power dory: it’s a flat bottom planing hull with a beveled chine to avoid tripping, a well-defended high bow, and a nice classic sheer line. The OD18 owners and builders love her lines but the addition of even the smallest cabin would have destroyed her well-balanced proportions. As the designer, I refused to consider the change until somebody suggested having a look at the C-Dory 16, a fiberglass production boat with a small pilothouse and cabin. The enthusiasm of the message board users was such that I did some sketching. We kept the same basic hull than the OD18 but changed the sheer line and added a cabin and pilothouse. The result was a very different looking boat and her commanding looks inspired the name, Harbor Master.

Click here to see study plans

Related Kits:

CNC Kit – MarinEpoxy Kit – SilverTip Epoxy Kit
